Thursday, August 18, 2011

How to Restore iPhone or iPad with given ipsw file

We can get the latest beta iOS version from apple iOS Dev Center page 

Currently iOS 5 beta 5 Downloads are available.. Download the needed image for our device..

Also read the 'Read ME section' in that page..
This version of iOS is intended only for installation on development devices registered with Apple's Developer Program. Attempting to install this version of iOS in an unauthorized manner could put your device in an unusable state, which could necessitate an out of warranty repair.

#. We will get ipsw file from the downloaded dmg file (double click the dmg image)
#. To restore the iOS
   1. open iTunes,
   2. connect the device
   3. select device and click Restore Button in the summary page by holding the alt or option button in the keyboard.
   4. choose the ipsw file you downloaded..

FYI: --> Library --> iTunes --> iPad/iPhone SoftwareUpdates   here you can see the last restored ipsw file..

To update our device OS

From the device, We can do wireless updates, go to settings > General > Software Update

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Understanding and Analyzing iOS Application Crash Reports

Read the App Store Review Guidelines from Apple site.

Read Technical Note TN2151 Understanding and Analyzing  Crash Logs

How to symbolicate the crash reports to see the lines in our source code ?

got an answer from stackoverflow

1. Our application need to build with Build Settings ->  under Build Options, the value of 'Debug Information Format' key should be "Dwarf with dSYM File"

2. We should keep the source and binary files which we used to submit the application to store

3. Select XCode, window -> organizer. select Archieve. Select the build which we used to submit and 'show in Finder'

4. select the xxx.xarchieve and 'Show contents'. You will get the .dSYM file and the .app file from the contents.

5. put the .app, .dSYM and crash logs files in a folder

6. open Terminal appplication and go to this folder // using  cd command

7. execute the command
atos -arch armv7 -o memory_location_in_the_crashlogs